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Baileigh Industrial - Heavy Duty Manually Operated Box and Pan (Finger) Brake, 12' Length, 18 Gauge Mild Steel Capacity

Baileigh Industrial - Heavy Duty Manually Operated Box and Pan (Finger) Brake, 12' Length, 18 Gauge Mild Steel Capacity

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  • Bends 12-gauge mild steel over its full 6-foot (72”) length
  • Maximum bend angle of 135°
  • Comes standard with 17 hardened fingers of varying sizes (6 fingers of 3", 3 of 4", 6 of 5", and 2 of 6")
  • 3-piece finger design allows for a 6” box depth
  • You can set up a long straight brake or a segmented one for boxes or pans
  • 2 counterbalance weights make it easy to bend at maximum capacity and reduce operator strain
  • Electro-welded and truss-supported steel frame prevents distortion or twisting and produces high-quality bends
  • Heavy-duty steel floor stand puts the beam at optimal working height
  • Recommended for: Smaller HVAC or fabrication shops that need a metal brake in a manageable, relatively compact size


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