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Baileigh Industrial - Manually Operated Form Bender.  3/16" Mild Steel Capacity.  4" Die Width

Baileigh Industrial - Manually Operated Form Bender. 3/16" Mild Steel Capacity. 4" Die Width

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  • Tired of making your bends with a hammer and a vise? Baileigh Industrials FB-4 metal bender is a useful tool for press bending ornamental iron, mild steel, aluminum and other metals.
  • Easily mounted to any bench top, this flat bar bender is a manual press brake and can create bends up to 90 degree by simply turning a hand lever until the desired angle is accomplished.
  • The FB-4 is perfect for hobbyists, ornamental iron artists, and much more.
  • Of course this is not a production bender, but is perfect for small runs or those one off applications.
  • Baileigh Industrial typically keeps the FB-4 metal bender in stock for quick shipments.


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