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BInks 98c-359 zolatone and multispec coating pressure pot outfit

Binks 98C-359 Multi Color Spray Outfit

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The ideal setup for all sorts of multi color spray applications. 2 gallon pressure tank has a (zinc plated lid, tank shell and wetted parts). Outfit includes pressure tank with regulators and gauges, 2100 internal mix spray gun, 25 ft. each of air and fluid hose with connections, 15 ft. of air compressor hose with connections.

Pressure Pot ZInc plated, ASME rated up to 80 PSI


2100 Spray Gun with Internal Mix Air Cap ideal for many Zolatone and other multi spec coatings


25 feet of fluid and air hose


15 feet of hose to connect from your compressor.


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1000-20002 galall other productsbf2023binkscanadacatchallshipGun and HoseNon Agitated (Standard)not canadapaintspraygunrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledZinc Plated