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Binks Mach 1 PCX Spray Gun

Binks Mach 1 PCX Spray Gun

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Binks Mach 1 PCX Pressure gun complete with 92PC air cap and injector

The Mach 1 PCX is a HVLP spray gun that is well suited for spraying Gel coat, resin, and adhesives.

The Mach 1 PCX is an internal Mix HVLP Spray Gun designed for touch up work to be used with resins, adhesives, and gel coat

  • Lightweight Air Nozzle
  • Fluid Inlet 3/8" NPS (m)
  • Catalyst Inlet 1/4" NPS (m)
  • Extra smooth trigger action
  • Stainless Steel nozzle and needle
  • Side Port control
  • Fluid Control
  • Forged Aluminum Body
  • Air inlet 1/4" NPS (m)
  • Catalyst valve assembly 316 Stainless Steel

The Binks Mach 1 PCX Plural Component HVLP Spray GUn is the lightest top quality high performance spray gun available today.  You only have to pick it up to feel the difference.  It's superbly balanced forged aluminium body offers the operator extra comfort and control.  All of the spray gun's components are machined and finished to exact tolerances and only the best materials are used, ensuring years of peak efficiency.

The Binks Mach 1 PCX is a conventional style air spray gun with special nozzles and modifications that allow it to operate at high transfer efficiencies in compliance with regulations as a High Volume, Low Pressure spray gun.

A specially designed catalyst injector device is intergrated to the spray gun to inject Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide or other catalyst into the stream of coating material.  The catalyst is injected immediately after the coating exits the fluid nozzle for even distribution across the spray pattern.

The air inlet passage in the spray gun body incorporates a venturi which limits air flow.  High pressure air flow is converted to low pressure at this point.  Special air and fluid nozzles enable the spray gun to atomise fluid at low air pressures, creating the "soft spray" effect for high transfer efficiencies.


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