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Binks Model 21M Automatic Conventional Spray Gun (1588215218211)
Binks Model 21M Automatic Conventional Spray Gun (1588215218211)

Binks Model 21M Automatic Conventional Spray Gun

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The Binks Model 21M is designed to deal with rough environments both inside and outside the spray gun. The Binks 21M spray gun will stand up to any line striping process. The internal mix air cap keeps the spray pattern precise while the quick actuating air valve ensures material is only sprayed where and when you want it. The standard model includes a 0.281" orifice for heavy viscosity materials and an air cap that sprays up to a 7" pattern.

The Model 21M has the capability to quick flush the air and fluid nozzles, making it perfect for line striping trucks. The diagram below shows the setup required for a quick flush.

Market: Line Striping Spray Gun


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