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 Bullard GR50SYS GR50 Series Airline Respirator System w/ Free-Air Pump
 Bullard GR50SYS GR50 Series Airline Respirator System
 Bullard GR50SYS GR50 Series Airline Respirator System w/ Free-Air Pump
air pump
air pump
 Bullard GR50SYS GR50 Series Airline Respirator System

Bullard GR50SYS GR50 Series Airline Respirator System w/ Free-Air Pump

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EDP10 with GR50 respirator and 100’ of breathing air hose

GR50SYS —This unit offers further protection by offering a hood to keep contaminants out of your workers’ hair.

Each Bullard respirator unit pairs easily with Bullard’s free air pumps for an airtight respiratory solution that ensures both safety and function.
See description below for the certain types and specs.

Respiratory Work Systems

Bullard offers six convenient airline respirator systems that can be used in a wide variety of job applications - from painting and abrasive blasting to pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing. All you need for effective respiratory protection comes in one simple package - a combination of dependable and durable Bullard products that provide superior service over time.

Bullard GR50SYS GR50 Series Airline Respirator System w/ Free-Air PumpDepending on the size and scope of your project, you might need the basic protection that a half-face mask respirator offers, or a full suit to keep out as many hazards you’ll experience on the jobsite. Each Bullard respirator unit pairs easily with Bullard's free air pumps for an airtight respiratory solution that ensures both safety and function.

EDP10 (Electric-Driven)
AIR FLOW: 10 cfm at 5 psig. Supplies air to two workers wearing continuous-flow, supplied-air half or full face mask respirators, orone worker wearing a continuous-flow, supplied-air hood or helmet style respirator. 
Supplied-air respirators used with this pump must be NIOSH approved to operate at 15 psig or less.
Open drip-proof motor drive, for use in clean, dry areas.
Inlet Filter: Medium efficiency, keeps particles larger than 25 microns out of the air supply. Inlet filter can be extended up to 300 feet from the pump using V50IN and V50EX remote extension hose kits.
Outlet Filter: Carbofine with activated carbon
Weight: 49 lbs.
Dimensions: 8” wide x 16.3” long x 13.5” high


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