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C.A Technologies CAT-Xpress  CAT Pack - 3M PPS™ 2.0 Cup HVLP Premium Pressure Feed Spray Gun
C.A Technologies CAT-Xpress  CAT Pack - 3M PPS™ 2.0 Cup HVLP Premium Pressure Feed Spray Gun

C.A Technologies CAT-Xpress CAT Pack - 3M PPS™ 2.0 Cup HVLP Premium Pressure Feed Spray Gun

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CAT-Xpress spray gun, 0.8 mm, 1.3 mm, 1.8 mm nozzle and needle setups, 2 air caps, 1QT 3M™ PPS™ 2.0 cup w/reg, 3 lids/liners, tools, case

C.A.Technologies is proud to introduce our new CAT Xpress professional grade pressure feed spray gun. The CAT-Xpress provides extreme atomization while holding an excellent transfer efficiency, handle ergonomics, and fluid delivery superior to all the competitive guns on the market today. The CAT-Xpress includes a HVLP air cap and the pressure reduced air cap to meet all the codes and regulations throughout the United States.

New Style Fluid Tip
The CAT-Xpress has a re-designed fluid tip, set apart by its thread-less construction. Easy to swap out and more fluid flow capabilities

Precision Engineered Air Caps
The HVLP and reduced pressure air caps are precision engineered to keep atomization particle size at the absolute finest

Fan Control
The fan control is located at an easy access point on the handle of the spray gun, allowing one handed or easy access quarter turn pattern adjustment

Lightweight Ergonomic Construction
The CAT-Xpress is constructed to be lightweight with handle ergonomics to be more comfortable and providing less sprayer’s fatigue

Air Adjustment Valve
The CAT-Xpress includes a built in air adjustment valve right at the handle of the spray gun for quick and care free access

• Extreme material atomization
• Extreme transfer efficiency
• Extreme material application speeds
• Air caps engineered for precise atomization
• All stainless steel fluid passages
• Lightweight with handle ergonomics
• Quick adjust fan control
• Requires 9 CFM


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