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Clemco Preassembled Blast Rooms
Clemco Preassembled Blast Rooms

Clemco Preassembled Blast Rooms

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Delivered to your facility ready to install. These compact, prebuilt blast rooms fit into tight footprints and need only air and power supplies to begin blasting.

  • Dimensions – 14’L x 7’W x 8’H
  • Sturdy Construction – 10ga galvanized steel wall and ceiling panels.
  • Media Recovery Options – A Pneumatic M-Section Recovery System for lightweight media or a Mechanical Flat-Trak Recovery System for steel or other heavy and/or coarse media. Both systems can be installed in a pit or on top of an existing foundation.
  • Media Cleaning – A 1,200 CFM cyclone reclaimer pairs with the M-Section Recovery System, and an air-wash abrasive cleaner (AWAC) goes with the Flat-Trak Recovery System.
  • Reverse-Pulse Dust Collector  CDF-4 Dust Collector with 4,000 CFM capacity for high-volume blast room ventilation.
  • Also Includes – PPE package, industrial 6-cuft blast machine package, and more.


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