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Clemco Predesigned PDQ Blast Rooms
Clemco Predesigned PDQ Blast Rooms
Clemco Predesigned PDQ Blast Rooms

Clemco Predesigned PDQ Blast Rooms

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Offered in a variety of sizes and pre-configurations. Predesigned blast rooms provide flexibility for various footprints and a short lead time. They are delivered as bolt-together subassemblies designed for quick and easy installation.

  • Dimensions
    • Width – 10 ft or 12 ft
    • Height – 8 ft, 10 ft, or 12 ft
    • Length – Vary from 10 ft to 30 ft, depending on room width and height.
  • Sturdy Construction, Quick Installation – 10ga galvanized, bolt-together steel wall and ceiling panels designed for quick and easy installation.
  • Media Recovery Options – Choose either a Pneumatic M-Section Recovery System for lightweight media or a Mechanical Sweep-In Hopper Recovery System or steel or other heavy and/or coarse media. Both systems can be installed in a pit or on top of an existing foundation.
  • ReversePulse Dust Collector – A CDF-6 Dust Collector with 6,600 CFM capacity for 8 ft high blast rooms. A CDF-8 Dust Collector with 8,800 CFM capacity for 10 ft and 12 ft high rooms. Both systems for high-volume blast room ventilation.
  • Also Includes – PPE package, industrial 6-cuft blast machine package, and more.


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