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BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump
BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM  389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump

BE 4000PSI @ 4.0 GPM 389cc HONDA Engine External Unloader AR RRV4G40D Pump

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4000 PSI 389cc HONDA GX390

This unit features a aluminum frame, 13" flat-free tires, low pressure chemical injector, wand assembly with gun and coupler, 50' high pressure hose and a 1" keyed shaft.

  • Low pressure chemical injector 
  • 36" Gun / Wand / Couplings
  • 50' High pressure hose
  • 13" Pneumatic tires
  • 4.0 GPM Max Flow
  • 4000 PSI Max Pressure
  • External Unloader
  • Aluminum frame with anti-vibration rubber foot
  • Powered by a commercial-grade 389cc Honda GX390 gas engine with steel gas tank, low oil shut down, and pull start ignition.

Accessories Included 3/8” 50ft High Pressure Steel Braided Hose 85.238.151 36" Wand/Gun/Couplings 85.205.026 #3.5 Quick Connect Nozzles: 0°,15°, 40°, Soaper 85.210.035BEP

 Built for commercial users who want full-featured and powerful machines that will quickly tackle any job. From cleaning parking lots, to heavy-duty vehicles and industrial buildings.


  • 3 year Honda GX engine
  • 5 year Triplex pump
  • Lifetime frame


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1000-20004-gpm4000-psiall other productsARbe-power-equipmentbf2023Cart TypecatchallshipcoldCommercial BuildDirect DrivegasHonda GX390pmax ad gas pressure washersPortable-TypePressure WashersRecoil StartrepriceROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledTriplex Plunger