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Devilbiss JGA-510-704E Pressure Fed Spray Gun

Devilbiss JGA-510-704E Pressure Fed Spray Gun

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The Devilbiss JGA 510 Spray Gun is a conventional spray gun designed for heavy duty production and coatings.  It comes in a variety of set ups depending on your application needs.  It comes with a variety of nozzle sizes making it ideal for a variety of conventional spray applications. This particular set up is a good general purpose spray gun set up with a 1.8 MM fluid nozzle and a air cap with a 10-12 inch pattern.


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1-2 day salesbox1.8 mm500-1000bf2023canadacatchallshipConventionalConventional Air Capdevilbissnomapnot canadapaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsPressure FedROAS 3ships3spo-defaultspo-disabledstocking