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Devilbiss MBC 510 Spray Gun

Devilbiss MBC 510 Conventional Spray Gun 64HDD

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The MBC 510 Conventional Spray Gun is a heavy duty Devilbiss conventional spray gun.  It is designed to atomize the heaviest of coatings well.  Common industry uses include oil platforms, corrosion control, and bridge painting. It is offered in a variety of setups depending on your needs.  The 64HDD comes with a 1.8 mm Fluid Nozzle. Additionally it comes with a heavy duty air cap that is best suited for heavy bodied coatings like porcelains.


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2.2 mm500-1000bf2023canadacatchallshipConventionalConventional Air Capdevilbisspaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled