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DeVilbiss StartingLine HVLP Detail Spray Guns 802405

DeVilbiss StartingLine HVLP Detail Spray Guns 802405

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The DeVilbiss StartingLine 802405 Detail and Touch-Up HVLP Gravity Spray Gun is a great value mini HVLP detail gun. It features a 1.0mm fluid tip and includes a cleaning brush and wrench. Retail packaged.

DeVilbiss StartingLine HVLP detail spray guns are designed for the final detailing of your paint work. They include a 1.0mm fluid tip, which is suitable for spraying a variety of materials. With 30 psi of inlet pressure, these spray guns deliver 10 psi at the air cap with 8 cfm of air consumption. Also included with these StartingLine HVLP detail spray guns are a cleaning brush and wrench to keep your spray gun in tip-top working order.


  • Mini HVLP detail gun, 1.0mm fluid tip
  • Includes cleaning brush and wrench
  • Retail packaged
  • Value product


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1.0 mmall other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipdevilbissGravity FedHVLP Air Capnogooglenomapnot canadapaintsprayerprisyncrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200