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Edwards - Standard Punch Assembly 40T - 100T 2013 and Older
Edwards - Standard Punch Assembly 40T - 100T 2013 and Older

Edwards - Standard Punch Assembly 40T - 100T 2013 and Older

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    Edwards AC1023-S Description

    Accommodates punch & dies sets from 1/8" to 1-1/16" diameter. The design allows for punching larger angle iron leg down. Can be used as a secondary Punch Workstation on any Edwards Ironworker with an Open Workstation.

    Edwards AC1023-S Includes

    • (1) Punch Assembly

    Edwards AC1023-S Features

    • Accommodates punch & dies sets from 1/8" to 1-1/16" diameter
    • Design allows for punching larger angle iron leg down
    • Can be used as a secondary Punch Workstation on any Edwards Ironworker with an Open Workstation
    • Fits all Edwards Ironworkers from 40-100 Tons

    Edwards AC1023-S Specifications

    Item Weight(lbs) 30
    Prop 65 None


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