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Exitflex USA KX26-25FM =  3/8" Female & Male, Blue, 3300 PSI
Exitflex USA KX26-25FM =  3/8" Female & Male, Blue, 3300 PSI

Exitflex USA KX26-25FM = 3/8" Female & Male, Blue, 3300 PSI

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KX26 – 3/8”

3/8" internal diameter hose with a 3,300 PSI maximum working pressure. Constructed with a polyamide core, two polyester textile fiber braids and a polyurethane cover. Cut to 25' in length and fitted with 3/8" female by 3/8" male fittings.

Core: Polyamide
Braid: Polyester Textile Fiber
Cover: Polyurethane
Maximum Working Pressure: 3,500 PSI
Minimum Burst Pressure: 13,200 PSI
Stainless steel spring guards at both ends.

Color: Blue


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3/8" NPSM (F/M)3/8" x 25'3500 PSIall other productsbf2023catchallshipConsumerdiaphragmpumpexitflexpmax ad pressure washer hosesrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200