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Simpson 510026 Pump

Simpson 510026 Pump

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510026 is a rear facing pump. To determine if your unit is forward facing or rear facing locate the spark plug on the engine in relation to your hose connections.

Forward facing are on the same side as the spark plug.

Rear facing are opposite of the spark plug.

The 510026 pump is a vertical pump from the Axial pump series. It has a 22mm hollow shaft with an aluminum manifold.

The 510026 Pump by FNA Group is rated for 2400 PSI @ 2.0 GPM Max.

Depending on nozzle size you could have different ratings:

2800 psi @ 1.6 GPM
2600 psi @ 1.8 GPM
2400 psi @ 2.0 GPM

The 510026 Pump Kit is a pre-assembled, sealed pump with 6.0 ounces of 15w40 Full Synthetic Oil.

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