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Fuji Spray Fuji T70 Spray Gun - Blue 1.3mm

Fuji Spray Fuji T70 Spray Gun - Blue 1.3mm

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The Fuji Spray T-Series Spray Gun features a side Pattern Control Knob to adjust the size of the fan from small to large and any size in between. The Pattern Control Knob allows you to adjust to the exact size of the object you are spraying. The newly designed lightweight T-Series with Easy Pull Trigger means less fatigue for the operator. Other desirable features include 100% Stainless Steel fluid components, Stainless Springs, Metal Knobs, Rear Rotating Nipple for pressure tubes, Ergonomic Stay-Cool Handle. 1 Quart Bottom Feed Cup is installed - this is the ideal size for medium to large sized projects such as cabinets and furniture. 1.3mm Aircap Set # 3 is installed - perfect size for most fine-finishing. The T-Series delivers superb atomization and ultimate control.



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