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Fuji Spray Mini-Mite 3 PLATINUM-T75G HVLP Paint Sprayer Gun, 600cc Gravity Feed Cup & 1.3 mm Air Cap Set HVLP Paint Sprayer System

Fuji Spray Mini-Mite 3 PLATINUM-T75G HVLP Paint Sprayer Gun, 600cc Gravity Feed Cup & 1.3 mm Air Cap Set HVLP Paint Sprayer System

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Paint faster and better with the Mini-Mite 3 PLATINUM system. This system features the Fuji T-Model gravity spray gun and has the same powerful three-stage turbine motor as used in Q3 models. This system is compatible with all coatings when properly thinned and you can adjust the size of the fan pattern with the control knob on the spray gun. This portable system includes a heavy-duty metal case with a spray gun holder, the Mini-Mite 3 PLATINUM Turbine, a 25 ft. hi-flex hose, the T-75G non-bleed spray gun, a viscosity cup, a cleaning brush and a wrench.


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