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Global Finishing Solutions Revo Rapid MC2 Mobile Unit 480v/3PH IR242T

Global Finishing Solutions Revo Rapid MC2 Mobile Unit 480v/3PH IR242T

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The REVO Rapid MC2 (mobile cart) can be moved quickly around a shop wherever needed and includes easy-to-use controls and sensors.


Significantly increase paint shop throughput without having to overhaul your current operation. The REVO Rapid from Global Finishing Solutions® (GFS) quickly cures filler and coatings and produces high-quality repairs. The compact, two-cassette system is designed for full panel repairs or body shops with space restrictions.

Choose from an overhead rail system (OR2) or mobile system on wheels (MC2). The flexible REVO Rapid can move virtually anywhere in your paint booth, prep area or shop, and can be easily positioned. Dual sensors on the premium REVO Rapid models allow you to cure coating on two different substrates at the same time while maintaining a proper temperature.


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