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Graco GCI™ Series 150 Grease Injector, 100 Pack

Graco GCI™ Series 150 Grease Injector, 100 Pack

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Graco quick-exchange cartridge injectors are easy to handle, can be serviced in one minute or less and eliminate the need to disconnect lines when replacing. Numerous injector replacements on a machine can be completed in minutes instead of hours, leaving service technicians with more time to focus on other equipment issues.

For use with GCI Manifolds in mining, construction, off-road/on-road mobile equipment and other single-line parallel automatic lubrcation applications.

  • Quick Exchange Injectors — Injector replacements take seconds rather than minutes using either a 24 mm or 15/16 in. socket – without the need to remove any lubrication lines.
  • High-Visibility Indicator Pin — 360-degree view of colored indicator pin makes trouble shooting a breeze.
  • Quality + Durability — The new streamlined cartridge injector leverages state-of-the-art manufacturing processes to deliver greater life.
  • Lower replacement injector costs compared to similar class legacy injector technologies (-1, -1X, -V).
UPC Product: 769946733730
Family Code: FAMHPM
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 6 IN   |  15.24 CM
Length: 13.25 IN   |  33.655 CM
Width: 31.115 CM   |  12.25 IN
Volume: .563 FT3   |  .016 M3
Chargeable Weight: 16.15 KG  | 35.6 LBS

Technical Specifications

Compatible Material Grease
Cycle Indicator Visual
For Use With 单线路并联自动润滑系统, 単線並列自動潤滑システム, Single Line Parallel Automatic Lubrication Systems, Systèmes de lubrification automatique monoligne parallèle., 단일 라인 병렬 자동 윤활 시스템, Automatische Einleitungs-Schmieranlagen
Maximum NLGI Grade #2
Maximum Working Pressure (bar) 345
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) 5000
Maximum Operating Pressure (psi) 5000
Wetted Material Carbon Steel, Nitrile Rubber, Aluminum
Suggested Operating Pressure (psi) 2500
Type Grease Injector
Application Off-Road Equipment, In-Plant Machinery
Maximum Working Pressure (MPa) 34.5
Series 150
Model GCI


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