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Graco 17M367
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Graco UltraMax Handheld Airless Paint Sprayer Cordless - Complete

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The 17M367 Graco UltraMax Handheld Cordless Airless Paint Sprayer – The professionals agree, airless handheld sprayers are the essential tool for turning small jobs around fast. Industry-tested Graco Ultra handhelds are the most advanced in the world, delivering unbeatable speed, flawless finish, and next-use reliability. Triple piston pump gives you the most reliable performance in the industry and full tip support. It s built from durable stainless steel and carbide components and bonded with a high strength polymer for the most durable, lightest weight pump. Innovative Drop-In On-the-Job Triax Pump Replacement lets you replace your modular pump right on the job. Sprays Water, Solvent Mineral Spirits & Flammable Based MaterialsThese are the new 2017 Models that replace the TrueCoat Handheld Sprayers.

and Explosion Hazard Warnings:

  • Connect the grounding cord when spraying flammable or static producing oil-based materials.
  • If there is static sparking or if you feel a shock, stop spraying immediately and connect the sprayer to a properly grounded electrical outlet with the ground wire provided.

Grounding Instructions:

  • Move the sprayer away from the spray area to a non-hazardous location. Plug the ground wire into the sprayer.
  • Unwind the ground wire from the spool and plug it into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
  • If the ground wire is not long enough to reach a grounded electrical outlet, a 3-wire grounded extension cord may be used to reach a grounded outlet.


  • RAC X FF LP Tips – Reverse-A-Clean (RAC) SwitchTips deliver exceptional spraying results and make clearing tip clogs simple Spray at lower pressure with ANY Graco Sprayer
  • TRIAX Triple Piston Pump – Durable carbide piston built to deliver extended reliability
  • 32 oz (0.95 l) FlexLiner All new easy-to-clean design!, Disposable liners eliminate cleanup time
  • Spray in ANY direction – even upside down!
  • Delivers Perfect Airless Finish – just like an Ultra!
  • ProControl II Pressure Control – Adjust motor speed and flow for TOTAL control with thin and thick materials
  • SmartControl – Delivers consistent spray fan at all spray pressures
  • Grounding Wire to prevent sparks and allow flammable materials to be sprayed

Triax Triple Piston Pump

Unmatched Performance

  • Durable stainless steel and carbide components bonded with a high strength polymer
  • Incredible durability in a weight design
  • 34 to 135 bar
  • .008-.016 Tip Support

Reliable Startup

  • No inlet check valve to get stuck
  • Automatic Outlet Ball Knocker

Perfect Airless Finish

  • Smooth and even at any hand speed
  • No Thinning
  • Single Coat Coverage

Powered by DEWALT XR Lithium Ion System

  • Proven quality, contractor recognized manufacturer
  • 3-LED fuel gauge system allows immediate feedback on state of charge
  • Lightweight design and 30% faster charge time (35 minutes)
  • Compatible with any DEWALT 20V MAX Lithium Ion battery
  • Spray up to 1 gallon with each charge thanks to the DEWALT 18V Lithium Ion system


On-The-Job Pump Replacement System

One Tool Replacement - Replace the pump in 3 steps using only a screwdriver

  • Remove Phillips screws and door
  • Remove and replace pump
  • Reinstall door and screws


Spray at any hand speed with professional finish every time

Precision pressure control that delivers a consistent spray fan without pressure fluctuations


ProControl II

Adjust motor speed to spray at virtually any speed that the job demands - hear it working

More control allows users to spray at the speed they choose - a professional finish, fast or slow


Hot Solvent Compatible

Sprays hot solvents such as solvent-based lacquer

Sprays water, solvent and flammable based materials



  • Provides superior finish at low pressure
  • Works on all Graco Airless Sprayers - everything from handhelds to large airless
  • Large range of sizes available to meet the job requirements
  • Reverse-A-Clean (RAC) SwitchTips deliver exceptional spraying results and make cleaning tip clogs simple

32 oz FlexLiner Paint Bags

Disposable liners eliminate cleanup time

Easy Setup

  • Fill FlexLiner Bag with material and attach to the handheld
  • Squeeze out any remaining air
  • Spray

Easy Cleanup

  • Fill FlexLiner Bag with cleaning fluid like PumpArmor
  • Shake sprayer
  • Spray into a bucket

No suction tube to clean

Toss or reuse, it's your choice


Just Add Paint

The sprayers comes ready to use with everything you need to get spraying

  • RAC X FF LP 2 10 Tip
  • RAC X FF LP 514 Tip
  • 2x DEWALT 20V-Max Compact Lithium Ion Batteries
  • DEWALT 20V-Max Lithium Ion
  • 4 - 1 liter FlexLiner Bags
  • Durable Storage Bag

Easy Cleanup:

  • Fill FlexLiner Bag with cleaning fluid like PumpArmor
  • Shake sprayer
  • Spray into a bucket
  • No suction tube to clean, Toss or reuse, it’s your choice


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.0161-2 day salesbox1000-20002000 PSIaodd discountBattery OperatedBOnoETAcanadaCordlessdeliveryestimate5daysFlammable Solvent BasedgracoHandheldHigh spend poor roasmap priced itemMineral Spirits Basednot canadapaintsprayerpmax ad handheld paint sprayersROAS 4ships3Solvent Basedspo-defaultspo-disabledstockingWater Based