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Grizzly G0946 - 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead
Grizzly G0946 - 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead
Grizzly G0946 - 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead
Grizzly G0946 - 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead
Grizzly G0946 - 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead

Grizzly G0946 - 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead

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G0946 6" Benchtop Jointer with Spiral-Type Cutterhead

The best valued 6" benchtop jointer on the market.

The G0946 6" Benchtop Jointer features a spiral-type cutterhead for smoother finishes, quieter operation, and less maintenance compared with straight-knife cutterheads.

The 12 high-speed steel (HSS) inserts sit square to the axis of the cutterhead, with the cutting edges perpendicular to the workpiece. HSS has been heat treated for hardness and wear resistance, which keeps a sharp edge longer than other carbon steels.

Each two-sided insert can each be rotated once to expose a new sharp edge. The two-sided T32739 Replacement Carbide Inserts are available and sold in packs of ten.

The overall size of the inserts making contact with the lumber reduces noise due to a smaller pattern of air being pushed by the cutterhead. The sawdust created by this machine is then finer which is less likely to create clogged dust lines.

Compact in size, the G0946 has a small footprint making it easy to move from job sites and stores easily when you want it out of the way. Benchtop models have a bad reputation for being underpowered. The 1-1/2 HP motor is bigger than “traditional” 1 HP motor options from other brands.

Budget-friendly and ready for the job site or garage.

Like all Grizzly jointers, the G0946 comes with a 1-year warranty covering parts and assuring the unit is free from factory defects. (Consumables are not covered by the warranty.)

The G0946 manual was written by our U.S. based Documentation Department is packed with useful information.

The Grizzly Technical Support team is U.S. based. Parts for jointer may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory

CSA certified


  • Motor: 1-1/2 HP, 120V, single-phase, 10A
  • Maximum width of cut: 6"
  • Maximum depth of cut: 1/8"
  • Minimum workpiece length: 10"
  • Minimum stock thickness: 1/2"
  • Number of cuts per minute: 66,000
  • Cutterhead type: 6-Row spiral-type
  • Cutterhead diameter: 2"
  • Cutterhead speed: 11,000 RPM
  • Cutter insert type: Indexable HSS
  • Cutter insert size: 14mm x 14mm x 2mm
  • Number of inserts: 12
  • Table size: 6-1/4" x 30"
  • Fence size: 19-3/4" L x 4-1/4" H
  • Dust port size: 2-1/2" (compatible with standard shop vacuums)
  • Footprint: 19" x 9-1/2"
  • Overall dimensions: 30" W x 17-1/2" D x 13" H
  • Approx. shipping weight: 44 lbs.


  • Spiral-type cutterhead with twelve indexable HSS inserts
  • Cast aluminum infeed and outfeed tables
  • Infeed table height adjustment lock
  • Built-in dust collection system with 2-1/2" dust port
  • Two push blocks included


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