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Grizzly H2877Z - 4" Spiral Cutterhead

Grizzly H2877Z - 4" Spiral Cutterhead

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Grizzly H2877Z 4" Spiral Cutterhead

Leave a finish that is second to none because of reduced tearout.

The H2877Z 4" Spiral Cutterhead has nine spirals which leave in an incredible finish!

Each indexable insert has four cutting sides so the edges can be rotated to expose a new cutting edge when dull or chipped.

This results in very little downtime for you and a huge savings over conventional carbide cutters.

The solid carbide inserts we use are extra thick and heavy-duty. Swap out your old cutterhead and be amazed!

Like all Grizzly cutterheads, the H2877Z comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects. (Consumables are not covered by the warranty.)

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S.-based.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory


  • Diameter: 4"
  • Bore: 1-1/4"
  • Height: 4"
  • Max speed: 11,000 RPM
  • Inserts: 39


  • Shapers with 1” spindles
  • Shapers with 1-1/4” spindles


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