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Grizzly H7464 - 8" x 3' Heavy-Duty Wire Reinforced Hose

Grizzly H7464 - 8" x 3' Heavy-Duty Wire Reinforced Hose

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H7464 8" x 3' Heavy-Duty Wire Reinforced Hose

A 8" hose that is better than OEM.

The high-quality H7464 8" x 3' Heavy-Duty Wire Reinforced Hose is easy-to-install and easy to customize in length.

The hose is translucent to allow easy inspection for locating potential clogs in your duct system.

This hose has been designed for use with a dust collector and is wire reinforced for both stability and grounding to the machine.

The hose has more flexibility than found with other hoses in this diameter.

The H7464 uses right-handed fittings and comes with a 1-year warranty which assures it is free from factory defects.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.


  • Size: 8" ID x 3'


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