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Grizzly H7587 - Resaw Fence Complete for 14" Bandsaws
Grizzly H7587 - Resaw Fence Complete for 14" Bandsaws
Grizzly H7587 - Resaw Fence Complete for 14" Bandsaws
Grizzly H7587 - Resaw Fence Complete for 14" Bandsaws

Grizzly H7587 - Resaw Fence Complete for 14" Bandsaws

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H7587 Complete Resaw Fence System for 14" Bandsaws

These resaw fences are an upgrade from your standard fence.

The H7587 Complete Resaw Fence System for 14" Bandsaws allows users to alternate between a taller and shorter fence within seconds.

The removable 6" extruded aluminum resaw fence allows you to cut wide boards into thinner planks.

The cast-iron fence allows the user to lower the blade guides closer to the shorter fence for doing normal work.

This is a complete fence system for folks that want to completely replace their existing (or non-existent) fences on their bandsaws.

These fences can be purchased as a retrofit kit for existing Grizzly bandsaws as well as a complete fence system for just about any brand of saw with 14" table dimension front to back.

Measure the front to back depth of your non-Grizzly bandsaw table and use that measurement as a guide.

Installation may require the use of the original rail hardware.

The H7587 is covered by a 1-year warranty covering factory defects and replacement parts.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Unless your model is listed below, installation may require drilling or tapping new holes.

The H7587 fits Grizzly models:

  • G0457
  • G0555LA35
  • G0555LANV
  • G0555LX
  • G0580


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