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Grizzly Industrial 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal-Cutting Bandsaw
Grizzly Industrial 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal-Cutting Bandsaw
Grizzly Industrial 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal-Cutting Bandsaw
Grizzly Industrial 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal-Cutting Bandsaw
Grizzly Industrial 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal-Cutting Bandsaw

Grizzly Industrial 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal-Cutting Bandsaw

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Metalworking shops should own this bandsaw.

The full-featured G0592 10" x 18" 2 HP Metal Cutting Bandsaw includes a large cutting capacity.

The swivel base cuts miters from 60 degrees to the left to 45 degrees to the right.

The G0592 has VS blade control ranging from 98 to 394 feet per minute. Simply rotate the speed adjustment knob to dial in your speed.

The speed at which the blade will cut through a workpiece is controlled by blade type, feed rate, and feed pressure. The feed rate is controlled by two knobs on the control panel.

The vise can be positioned for cutting on both sides of the vise. It has a ratcheting type leadscrew that allows for fast jaw adjustments.

The G0592 has a built-in coolant system that extends the life of your bandsaw blades by lowering the temperature of the blade and workpiece. It also has a convenient spray gun to help you clean the saw after use.

You'll have a tough time finding a better metal-cutting bandsaw in this size range, with these features, at this price.

Like all Grizzly bandsaws, the G0592 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects. (Consumables are not covered by the warranty.)

The G0592 manual was written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information. The complete and easy-to-read manual provides full instructions on how to assemble and maintain your metal bandsaw.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Tech Support Teams are U.S. based. Parts for the bandsaw may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Motor: 2 HP, 220V, single phase, 15A
  • Blade speeds: Variable, 98-394 FPM
  • Included blade size: 132" x 1" x 2/3 VP TPI (similar to Grizzly model H1146)
  • Head swivel: Left 60° to right 45°
  • Floor to table height: 20"
  • Max. capacity @ 90°, round: 10"
  • Max. capacity @ 90°, rectangular: 9-1/2" x 18"
  • Max. capacity @ 45°, round: 10"
  • Max. capacity @ 45°, rectangular: 10" x 11"
  • Max. capacity @ 60°, round: 8"
  • Max. capacity @ 60°, rectangular: 5" x 8"
  • Base footprint: 28-1/2" L x 45" W
  • Dimensions: 72-1/2" W x 32" D x 58" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 967 lbs.


  • Swivel base with degree scale
  • Heavy-duty all steel, one-piece base
  • Adjustable hydraulic down feed
  • Variable-speed blade control
  • Built-in coolant system
  • Automatic shut off
  • Adjustable feed rate
  • Wash down hose and spray gun
  • Adjustable positive stops for head angle

Due to product size, this item must be delivered to a loading dock or unloaded with a forklift. Liftgate not available.


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