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Grizzly Industrial Shaper Cutter - 1/4" Tongue & Groove Set, 1/2" Bore

Grizzly Industrial Shaper Cutter - 1/4" Tongue & Groove Set, 1/2" Bore

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A pair of carbide cutters that will save you over buying individually.

The carbide-tipped Tongue & Groove Shaper Cutters that make up the C2310 are specifically made for use on shapers with 1/2" spindles.

The 1/2" bore, 2mm thick carbide cutters stay sharper longer than the old HSS cutters.

HSS (high-speed steel) has been heat treated for hardness and wear resistance, which keeps a sharp edge longer than other carbon steels.

The carbide tips are even stronger than HSS and evenly balanced around the cutter for smoother cutting.

If you are just looking for one of the cutters, the C2005 Groove Cutter and C2006 Tongue Cutter can be purchased separately.

These can be used on hard woods, soft woods, and wood composite materials.

The cutters are best suited for use between 5,000–10,000 RPM.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.


  • Cutter Diameters: 2"
  • Cutting Length: 1"
  • Bore: 1/2"
  • Maximum RPM: 15,000


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