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Grizzly Industrial T33221 - Thin Kerf Riving Knife For G0771Z & G0962A40

Grizzly Industrial T33221 - Thin Kerf Riving Knife For G0771Z & G0962A40

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This reduces the risk for pinching and binding of cut wood behind the blade on the G0771Z 10" Table Saw or G0962A40 10" 2 HP Open-Stand Hybrid Table Saw.

It will fit within the fully-enclosed blade guard and not interfere with the inline dust port.

The knife rides within the kerf and raises and lowers with the blade.

The T33221 comes with a 1-year warranty assuring the riving knife is free from factory defects.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.


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