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Grizzly T10718 - 50" Deluxe Pan and Box Brake

Grizzly T10718 - 50" Deluxe Pan and Box Brake

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T10718 50" Deluxe Pan and Box Brake

A brake that will easily form transverse or down-flanged parts.

The T10718 50" Deluxe Pan and Box Brake is used to make straight bends, boxes, pans, and trays in sheet metal that is 16-gauge or thinner.

Clamping fingers and bending blocks of different lengths can be arranged to make 90° bends of varying widths up to 50" wide.

The fingers and blocks can be spaced in any configuration necessary to permit the sides of a box to be bent without interfering with previously bent sides.

Setback and clamping pressure are easily adjusted for different workpiece requirements, and the adjustable bending stop is used to make repetitive bends of the same angle.

Perfect for shops working with signs, fabrication, HVAC, or architectural sheet metal!

Like all Grizzly pan and box brakes, the T10718 comes with a 1-year warranty.

The T10718 manual was written by our U.S.-based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

The complete and easy-to-read manual makes it easier to assemble and maintain your pan and box brake.

Parts and accessories for the pan and box brake are available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Maximum working width: 50"
  • Maximum sheet metal thickness: 16-gauge mild steel at full width
  • Maximum height of pan/box sides: 2"
  • Minimum reverse bend: 5/8"
  • Maximum bending angle: 135°
  • Overall dimensions: 63" W x 38" D x 44-3/4" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 945 lbs.

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