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Grizzly T1185 - 3-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press
Grizzly T1185 - 3-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press
Grizzly T1185 - 3-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press

Grizzly T1185 - 3-Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press

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T1185 3 Ton Ratcheting Arbor Press

A high-precision arbor press that has been built to last!

The Grizzly T1185 3 Ton Arbor Press makes staking, riveting, installing, configuring and removing bearings and other press work easier and faster.

From the framework to the base, the press is constructed of heavy-duty, reinforced cast-iron.

The reversible steel ram features a reversible tool holder that accepts dyes, inserts, and other tooling for custom work.

The four-position rotating anvil is precision milled for a wide range of pressing operations.

The beauty of this arbor press is the ratcheting system that allows you to get the most leverage per pull, in the most convenient position possible.

Use the hand wheel to quickly move the press to where you need it, then pull the ratcheting handle down to apply the necessary pressure.

The T1185 arbor presses can be mounted on a work bench using the pre-drilled mounting holes.

Built to deliver high performance for the long term.

Like all Grizzly arbor presses, the T1185 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The T1185 instructions were written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

The complete and easy-to-read instructions make it easier to assemble and maintain your arbor press.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Parts and accessories for the arbor press are available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Press capacity: 3 Tons
  • Throat depth: 8-1/4"
  • Maximum working height: 12-1/4"
  • Ram Size: 2-5/16" x 1-5/8"
  • Base Size: 8" W x 18" D
  • Overall Size 8" W x 8-1/2" D x 23" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 106 lbs.


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