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Grizzly T27839 - Deluxe Stand for G0602, G0752 and G9972Z Lathes

Grizzly T27839 - Deluxe Stand for G0602, G0752 and G9972Z Lathes

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T27839 Deluxe Stand for G0602, G0752 and G9972Z Lathes

Free up bench space and position your 10" or 11" lathe at the optimal operational height.

The T27839 Deluxe Lathe Stand is specifically designed for the G0602 and G0752 12" X 22" Benchtop Lathes and the G9972Z 11" X 26" Benchtop Lathe.

It comes with pre-drilled mounting holes that match the base of these machines.

Adding this stand under your lathe will ensure safe and accurate cutting results when secured properly.

This heavy-duty stand has recessed access to the mounting holes for anchoring it to the floor.

The stand has been powder coated and matches the Grizzly green chip pans.

The outside cabinets measure 18" wide by 14" deep. Each has a hinged door, large latching handle, and a welded steel shelf.

The center of section of the stand has three 9" drawers.

Easily store your manual, chucks, faceplates, tailstock tooling, lathe dogs, steady rests, and dedicated toolbox with ease.

Like all Grizzly stands, the T27839 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Parts for the stand may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Overall dimensions: 47-3/8" W x 14" D x 30" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 213 lbs.


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