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Grizzly T30342 - 60W Laser Tube for G0872

Grizzly T30342 - 60W Laser Tube for G0872

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T30342 60W Laser Tube for G0872

The T30342 60W Laser Tube is a direct replacement for the G0872 CNC Laser.

The laser tube on the G0872 has no maintenance requirements other than protecting it from freezing when filled with water, and periodic inspection to verify water connections are sealed, air bubbles are not present in the tube, and electrical contacts are clean and free from corrosion.

Periodic replacement is required and all laser tubes are tested before shipping.

Laser tube, lenses, and mirrors are consumable parts, and are covered under warranty only for defects that occur during shipping.

Life expectancy of the laser tube is affected by laser burn-time, laser strength setting, heating and cooling cycles, and the natural dissipation of gas from the laser tube.

IMPORTANT: Grizzly Industrial does not recommend having a second laser tube on hand for longer than three months. Laser tubes are perishable and will lose their efficiency over time by just sitting on the shelf.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Parts and accessories for the fiber laser cutting machines are available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


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