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Grizzly T32006 - Variable-Speed Mini Benchtop Drill Press
Grizzly T32006 - Variable-Speed Mini Benchtop Drill Press

Grizzly T32006 - Variable-Speed Mini Benchtop Drill Press

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T32006 Variable-Speed Mini Benchtop Drill Press
Better than a hand-held drill for making accurate 90° holes.
Whether you are making doll furniture, model train sets, jewelry or custom ammunition, these space-saving machines are just what you need for your delicate work.

The 1/8 HP motor powers the variable speed from 0–5000 RPM.

The cast iron table is 6-3/4" square, 1/8" thick and offers 360° of swing.

The Variable-Speed Mini Benchtop Drill Press may be small but is definitely not a toy.

Perfect for tight spaces.
Like all of the Grizzly drill presses, the T32006 comes with a 1-year warranty covering parts and assuring the unit is free from factory defects. (Consumables are not covered by the warranty.)

The T32006 manual was written by our U.S. based Documentation Department is packed with useful information. The complete and easy-to-read manual makes it easier to assemble and maintain your drill press.

The Grizzly Technical Support team is U.S. based. Parts and accessories for the drill press are available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory

Motor: 1/8 HP, 120V, single-phase, 0.95A
Swing: 8-3/4"
Spindle taper: B10
Spindle travel: 7/8"
Spindle speed: Variable, 0–5000 RPM
Drill chuck: 1/32"-1/4", B10
Drilling capacity: 3/16" mild steel
Maximum distance spindle-to-table: 6-1/2"
Footprint: 7" x 9-1/2"
Overall size: 7" W x 10" D x 15" H
Machine weight: 12 lbs.
Includes 2, 2.5 & 4mm hex wrenches

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0.95 amp1/32” - 1/4”1/8 HP120Vaodd discountBenchbf2023canadadrillgrizzly-industrialmap pricemap priced itemnogooglenot canadapmax ad drill pressROAS 4Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledunder-200Variable-speed