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Grizzly T33289 - Cut2D Pro Software

Grizzly T33289 - Cut2D Pro Software

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T33289 Vectric Cut2D Pro Software

Unleash your CNC creativity with Cut2D Pro software.

The T33289 Cut2D Pro features easy-to-use vector drawing and editing tools with powerful 2D machining strategies for CNC routing, milling, or engraving. Finally, here is a powerful, but intuitive software solution for cutting parts on a CNC Router.

The software can import 2D designs from other programs while also providing a full set of drawing and editing tools or easily create vectors from scratch.

Toolpath options cover all typical 2D routing operations such as profiling, pocketing, auto-inlays and drilling.

Each toolpath includes appropriate options to customize the settings and provide a high level of control for different types of operation.

All toolpaths can be previewed to show just how the part will look when it is actually cut. This allows instant feedback for further toolpath optimization.

With unlimited job and toolpath size, there are no limitations to the size of part or material you can work with.

Two-sided machining adds the ability to create double-sided projects in the same session. It avoids the need to have two sessions, one for each side.

The Vectric Cut2D Pro Software offers functionality for complex work while remaining easy-to-use and affordably priced.

By purchasing this software from Grizzly, you are entitled to FREE upgrades within 12 months of purchase. Contact Vectric regarding upgrades and free lifetime support on their software.


  • Comprehensive set of drawing tools
  • Machine parts on two sides
  • So many toolpath operations
  • True shape nesting
  • No size limits
  • Print command
  • Integrated help
  • Video tutorials
  • Vectric forum discussions
  • 64-Bit support


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