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Trimaco Scrim Reinforced Permanent Adhering Tape - 3.5″ x 164′ (Pack of 3)
Trimaco Scrim Reinforced Permanent Adhering Tape - 3.5″ x 164′ (Pack of 3)

Trimaco Scrim Reinforced Permanent Adhering Tape - 3.5″ x 164′ (Pack of 3)

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Trimaco’s Scrim Tape is ideal for adhering flooring, molding, trim and baseboards. This heavy duty double-sided tape won’t budge! It’s strong, odor free, and extra tacky – sticking to almost any surface. Lays out flat and fast with an easy to remove liner backing.

Scrim tape is ideal for any threshold that needs to stay put during the installation process. This ultra sticky tape creates a strong seal between two boards. To apply, simply smooth the tape into the joints, cut and continue work!

  • High tack tape is double sided
  • Easy installation
  • Sticks to almost any surface including plasterboards, baseboards, fabrics and plastics

Explore Trimaco’s full line of heavy duty tape products!

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