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Honeywell UVEX Gray Stealth Goggle with Hydroshield, Scratch-Resistant
Honeywell UVEX Gray Stealth Goggle with Hydroshield, Scratch-Resistant

Honeywell UVEX Gray Stealth Goggle with Hydroshield, Scratch-Resistant

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The Uvex™ Stealth® goggle offers comfort and protection that encourage worker acceptance. Indirect venting system andHydroShield™ Anti-Fog Coating help avert fogging. Soft, flexible elastomer seal conforms to facial contours for a secure, gap-free fit. Quick-adjust headband clips.



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all other productsANSI Z87.1-2003Anti-Fogbf2023canadacatchallshipElastomer Frame MaterialFlexibleGray FrameGray LenshoneywellnogooglenomapNon-Polarizednot canadaprisyncProtective GogglesROAS 3safetyglassesspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound