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Honeywell UVEX Livewire™ Anti-Fog Safety Glasses , Clear Lens Color 1/EA

Honeywell UVEX Livewire™ Anti-Fog Safety Glasses , Clear Lens Color 1/EA

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Product Details:
Uvex Livewire sealed eyewear delivers the fit, performance and protection required in extreme environments, protecting workers against intense wind, sun, dirt, dust and debris, as well as high heat and humidity. With 10X longer-lasting anti-fog performance, and a precision, fit-tested foam-lined frame that defies debris, Uvex Livewire sealed eyewear is engineered for the extreme.

All Uvex Livewire come packaged with temples and headband as well as with instructions and warnings for proper use.


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all other productsANSI Z87.1-2010Anti-Fogbf2023Black FramecanadacatchallshipClear LensCSA Z94.3-2007honeywellnogooglenomapNon-Polarizednot canadapmax ads safety glassesPolycarbonate Frame MaterialprisyncProtective GogglesROAS 3safetyglassesspo-defaultspo-disabledStraight Styleunder-200Universal SizeWraparound