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Honeywell UVEX Scratch-Resistant Indirect Protective Goggles, Clear Lens 1/EA

Honeywell UVEX Scratch-Resistant Indirect Protective Goggles, Clear Lens 1/EA

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UVEX® Seismic® sealed safety glasses are designed for today’s demanding work environments. Ideal for dirty, high-particulate applications such as grinding, chipping, shaving, and sanding. Get exceptional peripheral vision and coverage with the 8-base wraparound dual lenses. Soft, flexible nasal pads conform to a variety of facial profiles to minimize slippage. High-quality face cushioning and padded temple tips for all-day comfort. Flame-resistant headband is highly adjustable for a customized fit. Clear scratch-resistant lenses for most indoor work applications. Each pair includes removable temples, headband, and cushioned subframe.

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Adjustableall other productsANSI Z87.1-2010bf2023Black FramecanadacatchallshipClear LensCSA Z94.3-2007honeywellnogooglenomapNon-Polarizednot canadapmax ads safety glassesPolycarbonate Frame MaterialprisyncProtective GogglesrepriceROAS 4safetyglassesScratch-Resistantspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound