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3/8" Air Ratchet Wrench, 76ft-lb Max Torque, 220 RPM

3/8" Air Ratchet Wrench, 76ft-lb Max Torque, 220 RPM

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Product Description

The 109XPA ratchet wrenches provide an optimized gear ratio and airflow for exceptional performance and durability with 76 ft-lb maximum torque. The 109 model offers a ½" drive, while the 1099 model sports a ?" version.


  • Maximum Torque: 70 ft.-lbs. maximum torque at 300 rpm free speed.
  • 360-Degree Exhaust: The adjustable exhaust on the 109XPA high torque ratchet wrenches directs air flow away from you and your workspace.
  • Low Profile Forward/Reverse Control: The 109XPA forward/reverse control has a wide diameter for increased ease of use in confined spaces.
  • Increased Reach: Enjoy easier access to deep, hard to reach spaces with these high torque ratchet wrenches.
  • Exceptional Durability: Exclusive IR Twin Pawl Plus head design for exceptional durability.


More Information
Part No. 109XPA
Product Line ING
Manufacturer Ingersoll-Rand
UPC 663023030562
Part Status A


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