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IWATA W-101-S3-C2 W-101 150mm Internal Coating Gun 150 degree Disk Pattern

IWATA W-101-S3-C2 W-101 150mm Internal Coating Gun 150 degree Disk Pattern

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W-101-S3-C2 W-101 150mm Internal coating gun 150 degree disk pattern

A rich lineup supports a wide range of applications.
・ Plastic Coating
・ Automotive Coating
・ Metal Coating
・ Woodwork Coating


  • Improved spray gun maneuverability
    A change in the grip shape gives a better fit.
    The main body is lighter (approx. 10% lighter than W-100), and the weight balance position has been changed.
  • Improved atomizing performance
    Stabilizing the air flow results in stable spray patterns and reduces uneven coating. A change in the air cap corner shape reduces paint adhesion as well.


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