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IWATA W400LV-144G Gravity Fed Spray Gun w/ PCG6PM 600ML Plastic Gravity Cup

IWATA W400LV-144G Gravity Fed Spray Gun w/ PCG6PM 600ML Plastic Gravity Cup

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4761 W-400 W400LV-144G W/PCG6PM

Center post gravity fed spray gun with high transfer efficiency control and superior atomization.

W400-LV Compliant
Center post gravity fed spray gun combines LV Technology with High-TEC standard to give you high transfer efficiency control and superior atomization.


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1.4 mm10.5 CFM11.4”155 ml/min500-100098 PSIbf2023catchallshipConventionalGravity FediwatanogoogleNON-HVLPpaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsprisyncROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledSpray Guns