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Jet Tools - JWJ-8CS 8" Jointer, 2HP 1PH 230V

Jet Tools - JWJ-8CS 8" Jointer, 2HP 1PH 230V

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    Jet 718200K Includes

    • (1) Jointer with Closed Stand

    Jet 718200K Features

    • Three HSS knives rotate at 16,500 cuts per minute for a smooth finish
    • Extended length infeed and outfeed tables accommodate longer materials with less risk of tipping
    • Large, front-mounted chrome handwheels and easy-to-reach locks make for fast, simple table adjustments
    • Tall, rigid fence provides stable support and accurate angles
    • Tilting fence angles in both directions, and has positive stops at 45° and 90°
    • Dual-position magnetic controls protect the motor from potential electrical supply issues
    • Integral 4'' dust chute connects easily to your collection system
    • Fence adjustment levers are conveniently located in the center of the fence

    Jet 718200K Specifications

    Height 18.5in
    Length 74in
    Volume 19.965
    Width 25.2in


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