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KM 150/500 R Ride-On Industrial Floor Sweeper

KM 150/500 R Ride-On Industrial Floor Sweeper

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The battery powered KM 150/500 R Bp with three-wheel rear steering operates with low noise and exhaust-free emissions. With the dustpan principle, fine waste and coarse dirt are safely vacuumed. The waste container automatically closes during transport. The roller brush automatically adjusts to uneven surfaces and can be quickly replaced without the need for tools. A redesigned sweeping system reduces wear and tear. Two horizontally installed flat fold filters ensure clean air even where there are large volumes of dust. Filter cleaning can be done with the push of a button using a highly effective dual scraper. The filter is easily accessible and can be changed without the need for tools. The basic functions can be conveniently selected with a control thanks to the EASY Operation Concept.

Technical data

Working width (in) 47
Working width with 1 side brush (in) 59
Drive (V) 48
Area performance (ft²/hr) 161460
Container (gal) 132
Filter area (ft²) 75
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 96 / 61 / 65


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