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B 300 R I BP Ride-On Floor Scrubber

B 300 R I BP Ride-On Floor Scrubber

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The B 300 R I is a game-changer in the world of diesel/gas-powered combination floor scrubbers. Its four-cylinder engine is powerful enough to handle vacuuming/sweeping, scrubbing, and drying in one go. It also has an option for a 36V battery drive that emits zero emissions, making it suitable for indoor applications. With working widths of up to 5.4 feet (scrubbing/drying) and 5.7 feet (sweeping), it can clean even large areas in no time.

Technical data

Drive type LPG
Brush working width (in) 41.1
Working width with 1 side brush (in) 55.1
Working width with 2 side brushes (in) 69.1
Vacuum working width (in) 56.7
Fresh / waste water tank (gal) 79.25 / 79.25
Battery (V/Ah) 12 / 75
Brush speed (rpm) 222
Sound pressure level (dB(A)) 87
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 94.5 x 60.6 x 69.3


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