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Karcher 1.103-851.0 Trailer Kärcher 3500H HDS 4.7/35 (Hydraulic Brakes)

Karcher 1.103-851.0 Trailer Kärcher 3500H HDS 4.7/35 (Hydraulic Brakes)

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Take the mystery out of mobile on-site cleaning with Kärcher’s preconfigured TRK-3500H HDS 4.7/35 pressure washer trailer package!


Adaptable and designed to accommodate a variety of pressure washer skids, the Kärcher TRK-3500 pressure washer trailer is affordable, versatile, and easy to ship and store. Made of rugged 14-gauge steel, the trailer's wheel and axle assembly feature a leaf-spring suspension of up to 3,500 lbs. Get cleaning by simply picking a compatible pressure washer and adding must-have options and accessories. Our preconfigured trailer packages include the TRK-3500 trailer, HDS 4.7/35 Pe Cage pressure washer, mounting kit, battery and high and low-pressure hose reels. Simply choose between electric or hydralic breaks.


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