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Karcher 8.750-476.0 100 ft X 3/8" Hose Reel Fixed Base

Karcher 8.750-476.0 100 ft X 3/8" Hose Reel Fixed Base

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Karcher 8.750-476.0 - Hose Reel Fixed Base 100 ft X 3/8 inch with Guide

Legacy hose reels were designed for ease of use and durability in commercial pressure washer applications. Offering 100' and 200' reels in both a fixed base and 360 degree rotating base. The oversized reel holds the advertised length plus leaves additional space reducing the difficulty of reeling hose. The unique extended swivel improves the hose connection and reduces hose wear and stress.


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100 ft.200-5003/8 inch5000 PSIbf2023deletemenowkarcherLeadTime2weeksNo Hose Includednomapnot canadapmax ad hose reelpmax ad hose reelspressurewasherprisyncreelsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled