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KM 75/40 W BP Walk-Behind Floor Sweeper

KM 75/40 W BP Walk-Behind Floor Sweeper

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The KM 75/40 W Bp is the pinnacle of commercial-duty sweepers. Coming standard with maintenance free AGM batteries and an onboard charging system, the KM 75/40 W Bp is self-propelled, traveling up to 2.8 MPH, and can climb inclines up to 12%. The standard filter system is 99.5% efficient, preventing fine dust particles from re-entering the environment by utilizing a large suction fan and synthetic pleated filter. The handle-operated litter gate allows for collection of larger sized debris such as water bottles and aluminum cans for uninterrupted cleaning. An optional carpet kit allows the unit to sweep over carpet while the standard EASY™ Controls are easy to identify and simple to use.

Technical data

Working width with 1 side brush (in) 30
Drive type Electric
Drive DC motor
Drive – power (W) 400
Area performance (ft²/hr) 36328
Container (gal) 10.5
Filter area 2790
Ship Weight (with accessories) (lb) 172
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 56 / 30 / 46.5


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