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Kimberly Clark 22516 Jackson Safety® Nemesis® V60 Nemesis RX Reader Safety Glasses, Smoke Lenses with +2.5 Diopters, Black Frame
Kimberly Clark 22516 Jackson Safety® Nemesis® V60 Nemesis RX Reader Safety Glasses, Smoke Lenses with +2.5 Diopters, Black Frame
Kimberly Clark 22516 Jackson Safety® Nemesis® V60 Nemesis RX Reader Safety Glasses, Smoke Lenses with +2.5 Diopters, Black Frame

Kimberly Clark 22516 Jackson Safety® Nemesis® V60 Nemesis RX Reader Safety Glasses, Smoke Lenses with +2.5 Diopters, Black Frame

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For the millions of people who experience far-sightedness or vision problems associated with aging, they might not be able to read up close or see the task at hand without experiencing eye strain, headaches, eye fatigue, or adjusting physical positions. We offer Nemesis* safety eyewear with integrated diopters for vision assistance.


  • "Cheaters" style with integral diopters for vision assistance
  • Patented flexible nose pieces with integrated ridges to help channel away sweat and keep glasses from sliding down the user’s nose
  • +1.0 - +3.0 diopters available
  • Larger lens for more complete wrap around protection
  • Precise placement of inserts allows for distortion-free forward vision and increased safety when wearing
  • Enhanced nose piece design with integrated ridges to channel away sweat
  • With impact-resistant polycarbonate lenses, meets ANSI Z87.1+2010 standards, with select codes CSA and CE Certified as well
  • Every Pair includes a neck cord
  • Polycarbonate lenses provide 99.9% UVA/ UVB/UVC protection to help prevent eye damage like cataracts, retinal damage, and other conditions that can cause temporary vision loss
  • Lightweight, wraparound style is designed for maximum user comfort with peripheral protection
  • Different lens options for different environments help to reduce eye fatigue


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Adjustableall other productsANSI Z87.1-2010bf2023Black FramecanadacatchallshipCE EN 166-2001CSA Z94.3-2007exportlistpGray Lenskimberly-clarknomapNylon Frame Materialpmax ads safety glassesPolarizedprisyncRatchetedROAS 3Safety GlassessafetyglassesScratch-ResistantSmoke Lensspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound