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Kimberly-Clark 28618 Jackson Safety® V60 Nemesis™ RX Safety Glasses, Black Frame, Scratch-Resistant Clear Lens, +1.5 Diopter
Kimberly-Clark 28618 Jackson Safety® V60 Nemesis™ RX Safety Glasses, Black Frame, Scratch-Resistant Clear Lens, +1.5 Diopter

Kimberly-Clark 28618 Jackson Safety® V60 Nemesis™ RX Safety Glasses, Black Frame, Scratch-Resistant Clear Lens, +1.5 Diopter

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JACKSON SAFETY® Eyewear is available for different work environments and a variety of different tasks. Designed with quality materials and style in mind, here is a comprehensive portfolio of eye protection options including a wide variety of performance safety eyewear from SMITH and WESSON®.

  • Cheaters style with diopters for vision assistance
  • Larger lens for wraparound impact protection
  • Enhanced nosepiece design to channel away sweat
  • Base curve is 8
  • Impact resistant reader protection, Empilon nosepiece
  • No arc flash rated and no IRUV rated
  • 99.9% UV-A, UV-B and UV-C protection
  • Store in a cool, clean and dry space away from direct sunlight

 Specifications: ANSI Z87.1+-2010, CE EN 166-2001, CSA Z94.3-07

Industrial Application: Industrial Manufacturing, Outdoor Environments, Impact, Splash, Grinding/Chipping, Shaving/Sanding, Metal Manufacturing Transportation - Aviation and Automotive Energy - Oil &gas / Utilities General Industrial Usage Semi Conductor Food Processing Scientific

Includes: Neck Cord


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Adjustableall other productsANSI Z87.1-2010bf2023Black FramecanadacatchallshipCE EN 166-2001Clear LensCSA Z94.3-2007kimberly-clarknomapNon-PolarizedNylon Frame Materialpmax ads safety glassesprisyncRatchetedROAS 3Safety GlassessafetyglassesScratch-Resistantspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200Universal SizeWraparound