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LED 4' Six Lamp Rear Access Paint Booth Light Fixture

LED 4' Six Lamp Rear Access Paint Booth Light Fixture

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The 400 Series Rear Access light fixture is an ideal paint spray booth product when a rear access fixture is desired. The 400 Series is also a vapor proof lighting fixture with an ETL listing of Class I Division 2 rating. This 4’ fixture is available with 2, 4 & 6 lamp options, can be built with low and standard ballast factor ballasts and is available with 4000K and 5000K LED lamps. LED lamps Included. Contact LDPI for availability of 5000K Lamp versions.

Piano hinged rear access fixture for easy relamping 20 gauge steel construction with white powder coat which creates a durable, highly reflective finish.
40% + energy savings compared to F32 T8 fluorescent lamps
50,000 hours

3/16” clear tempered glass.

120 - 277 Volts
4000K and 5000K LEDs

UL / Class Listings
Class I Division 2
Class II Division 2

Series: 400 LED

Options: 400 LED - Source


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